Create additional pages / instructions for the page manager

Instructions for the page manager

admin >> Page manager

Change a page
Select the page you want to change and:
  1. Click "Change" to type much like in word - different colors, add pictures, etc.
  2. Click "Preview" then "Refresh" to save.

Create new page
Click "New Page" to create a new page.

The pages can be activated and deactivated (for future use) by clicking on the status light.

Read this if the instructions above are not correct in your store
For older versions of Talex:

In older versions of Talex, the page manager is in admin >> tools >> 'Page Manager'

Sort order 0 = not visible in the field 'other' in the store
but you can link to the page from another page, product page, etc.
Sort order 0, is also used for pages that already exist as part of the store (eg index page and Contact us)

Sort order 1 (or 2,3,4 etc) appears in the field 'information'

Change a page
Select the page you want to change and:

  1. Click on 'Edit' and then Rich Edit to type much like in word - different colors, add pictures etc.
  2. Click post then update to save.

Create new page
Click on 'New File' to create a new page. Do not forget to enter sort order 1,2,3,4 etc if you want the page to be included in the 'information' field - and if so in what order.