Insert image on the page

To insert an image on the page, follow these steps:
If you have a store before 2008 or write a newsletter
  1. Go to the control panel and then to the Page and Text Manager, edit product / category or newsletter
  2. Click on the image that represents a board in the html tool.
  3. A new window will now open
  4. Enter the address of the image in the field image URL (the address must start with / files / and then the name of the image eg image.jpg)
  5. Enter an associated text for the image in the Alternate text field
  6. Then click on the "Ok" button.
  7. Once you have inserted the images you want, click on the "preview" button and then "update".

If you have a store after 2008
To insert the image, do the following (the procedure is the same for the Page and Text Manager):
You first upload the file in admin> Tools> File Manager (more info at

  1. Go to the product you want to insert the image into.
  2. Click the icon that looks like a whiteboard in the HTML tool.
  3. Type ../files/ followed by the name of the image, e.g. image.jpg (the entire path: ../files/bild.jpg), in the field "Image URL".
  4. Write a short description of the image in the field "Image description".
  5. Click on "Create"