If you have a store before 2008 or write a newsletter
- Go to the control panel and then to the Page and Text Manager, edit product / category or newsletter
- Click on the image that represents a board in the html tool.
- A new window will now open
- Enter the address of the image in the field image URL (the address must start with / files / and then the name of the image eg image.jpg)
- Enter an associated text for the image in the Alternate text field
- Then click on the "Ok" button.
- Once you have inserted the images you want, click on the "preview" button and then "update".
If you have a store after 2008
To insert the image, do the following (the procedure is the same for the Page and Text Manager):
You first upload the file in admin> Tools> File Manager (more info at http://kundsupport.talex.se/knowledgebase.php?article=24).
- Go to the product you want to insert the image into.
- Click the icon that looks like a whiteboard in the HTML tool.
- Type ../files/ followed by the name of the image, e.g. image.jpg (the entire path: ../files/bild.jpg), in the field "Image URL".
- Write a short description of the image in the field "Image description".
- Click on "Create"