Settings in the Talex checkout

You can edit the text that appears on the thank you page you get to after you have completed your order. You do this in admin > "Page Manager" > "checkout_success". We have entered a standard text there.

If you offer an invoice through Klarna or SveaWebPay, you can activate your social security number so that customers only need to enter their social security number and click a button to have their address information filled in automatically.
You can in admin > "Settings & Design" > "Customer information" set Swedish personal number is required to "No" if you do not require customers to enter social security number.

You can in admin > "Settings & Design" > "Customer information" activate SMS notification and Mobile phone. If you have activated "SMS notification", customers can check if they want to be notified via SMS and if you have set "Mobile phone" to "Yes", the customer must enter their mobile phone number if the customer wants SMS notification.

In admin > "Settings & Design" > "My Store"  > "Choose to create an account or not" decide how customers can create an account.
If you choose "Choose", customers can choose whether they want to create an account or not, if you choose "Must create account", customers must create account or if you select "Can not create account", customers can not create account.

In admin > "Settings & Design" > "Customer information" > "Newsletter subscription checked by default" to "Yes" if you want the newsletter box to be checked by default.

Read this if the instructions above do not match your store

You can edit the text that appears on the thank you page you get to after you have completed your order. You do it in admin > Page and Text Manager > checkout_success. We have entered a standard text there.

If you offer an invoice through Klarna or SveaWebPay, you can activate your social security number so that customers only need to enter their social security number and click a button to have their address information filled in automatically.
You can in admin > Settings (or Configuration) > Customer information (or Customer details) set Swedish personal number is required to false if you do not require customers to enter social security number.

You can in admin > Settings (or Configuration) > Customer details (or Customer details) activate SMS notification and Mobile phone. If you have activated SMS notification, customers can check if they want to be notified via SMS and if you have set Mobile Phone (or Cellphone) to true, the customer must enter their mobile phone number if the customer wants SMS notification.

In admin > Settings (or Configuration) > Cashier (or Fast Checkout) > Choose to create account or not (or Choose to create account or not) decide how customers can create account.
If you choose "Choose", customers can choose whether they want to create an account or not, if you choose "Must create account", customers must create account or if you select "Can not create account", customers can not create account.

In admin > Settings (or Configuration) > Cashier (or Fast Checkout) > Accept terms (or Accept terms) choose how you want customers to accept your terms.
If you choose "text", it means that customers accept the terms when they send their order. A text above the send order button indicates that the customer accepts the terms by clicking the button. In the text there is a link to your terms.
If you choose "checkbox", customers must check that they accept your terms. Along with the checkbox, there is a link to your terms.

In admin > Settings (or Configuration) > Customer information (or Customer Details) set "Newsletter subscription checked by default" (or Subscribe to newsletter checked by default) to "true" if you want the newsletter box to be checked by default.