More languages
Support for 25 different languages and all currencies!
... and with automatic currency converter
Each visitor can choose which language the store should have.
Our system also detects which country you are in and automatically sets the store in that language in the first place (if that language is installed).
The visitor can of course change language.
We are constantly translating into new languages.
Arabic* Bulgarian* Danish English Finish French Greek* Hebrew* Dutch Italian Japanese* Chinese* Lithuanian* | Norwegian Poland* Portuguese Romanian* Russian* Slovak* Spanish Swedish Thai* Czech* Turkish* German Ukrainian* |
* installation, one-time fee SEK 2,000. (language without * does not cost extra. Plus or Premium packages required)
It may occur that certain words and phrases are not translated into languages other than Swedish and English (e.g., third-party modules such as payment methods or shipping). In these cases, they are presented in English or Swedish. If you are unable to change them yourself via the admin, we can do it for you.