Money back guarantee (up to 60 days)

Money back guarantee (up to 60 days)

Talex wants our customer to feel secure in their decision to choose Talex as an e-commerce provider and has therefore introduced a guarantee: if you should not be satisfied with your webshop and we can not remedy your problem, you have the right to get your money back.
The guarantee applies to all our e-commerce packages from the time you place your order and pay until you choose to open the store for sale (Go live), however, a maximum of 60 days.

If you wish to exercise this guarantee, you must send a statement explaining what you are not happy with.

This guarantee applies to all our standard e-commerce packages as well as standard modules / apps.
This guarantee does not apply to domain registrations, consulting work, ordered adaptations / consulting hours, design services or where a solution is available through, for example, upgrading packages or purchasing additional modules / services.
This guarantee also does not apply if the problem is beyond Talex's control, such as (but not limited to) limitations in 3rd party connections or missing / missing data from the customer or 3rd party.